Friday, July 30, 2010


Admittedly expectant dads don’t have much to do before the act of childbirth takes place. Our goal is simple: To make life easier for the expectant mum. We can run errands, rub shoulders and feet, take on more chores, provide obscure craving requests, and ensure enthusiasm and punctuality takes place at all times for scans and antenatal classes.

However we have another important mission closer to D-Day (Delivery Day) – making sure the hospital bag goes with mum-to-be. The hospital bag resembles a suitcase. You may have probably passed it at the bottom of the stairs or leapt out of your skin when you first saw it thinking ‘she’s leaving me, and with child no less’. You may have been the one to carry it downstairs (I hope!) not realising what it was. There may also be an item of hand luggage to go with it. One is for the duration of the stay; the other contains items necessary for the delivery suite.

Now ordinarily I would not advise you to have a rummage through your partner’s personables but this commandment has a loop hole - The Hospital Bag. If you know what’s packed, you'll be more prepared than a boy scout on jamboree day and you’ll be of some use when the main event kicks off - so know its contents well.

There is a magnificent amount of information available for the mammy-to-be on what to bring, believe me when I say this, they will not only know what to bring, but in which compartment it belongs to. But if your better half is gracious to offer you your own sub-sub-compartment for the carriage of your own reading material, or, recommends that you consider having some sort of sustenance on standby – heed these important words: for most parts (bar the finale) labour can be LONG and BORING.

We will deal with labour ward etiquette at a later stage, we’ll even discuss the uses of man in the delivery suite, but for now here are a few suggestions on what valuable items you may want to consider for your ‘own’ visit to the labour ward:

Food & Fluids are Essential, high-energy drinks especially. A plain sandwich is a must but no egg / onion / garlic odours. And definitely no foods that will have your partner jumping out of bed to wrestle from you, I think that includes chocolate!

Labour can linger so bring your own Reading Materials. I found a Nintendo DS a great companion.

Watch (with Stopwatch): Not just to count the contractions but also to call the exact moment your newborn enters the world.

Mobile: Fully charged with full credit. Good time to revise the instructions for sending those tricky multimedia images.

Coins: You may not be able to use your mobile. Also useful for parking meters and vending machines.

MP3 Player: This may already be a feature of the birth-plan. Soothing non-ear bashing playlists only.

Camera / Camcorder: Both fully charged. If you are to venture into reality TV childbirth don’t get carried away with the zoom button and be sure to keep out of the way.

A Change of Clothes / and a Basic Wash-Kit: You might be there for quite some time mate!

The 1st Teddy: in case baby must leave for wash or weighing you can make sure the returned basket & BABY is with your Teddy!

Pen & Paper: To take note of the mid-wife’s name for that well-earned gift before your partner is discharged.